
How did organisations helped in this migration?

How did organisations helped in this migration?          The Trail of Tears National Historic Trail, administered by the National Park Service in partnership with federal, state, and local agencies; nonprofit organisations; and private landowners, commemorates the Cherokee experience. It identifies the routes that 17 Cherokee detachments followed westward.             Today the trail encompasses approximately 2,200 miles of land and water routes and traverses portions of nine states. The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP) is working with the National Park Service and the Trail of Tears Association, as well as with state historic preservation offices in other states, to identify and preserve properties associated with the Cherokee removal of the 1830s. GIS has helped AHPP find and record numerous sections of the Trail of Tears. Some sections of the route, such as the one pictured here, are well preserved. To help identify sections where the route is unclear,

Bibliographies and Sources.

For more information see the below websites available:  https :// / / http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// https:// 69i57j0l2.3912j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 http ://

Map of the Migration.

Here's a Map for your better understanding about the migration: From where to where did people migrated: 

Videos on Trail of Tears Migration.

Video Time: Watch these videos to have a better understanding about this forced migration of TRAIL OF TEARS: -

How did the migration affect the Native Americans?

How did the migration affect the Native Americans? o    The Removal Act caused up to 4000 deaths out of the 15,000 forced migrants o    Families were separated o    The Europeans burnt down/occupied homes and villages that the Cherokees lived in o     Loss of culture o    Set up civilisation was lost o    Deep-rooted traditions were lost o    Caused environmental disasters and the destruction of many homes o    Homes include the habitats of animals and plants

Till what extent did people had to face struggles in the Migration of Trail of Tears?

            A quote says, " No one leaves home, unless home is the mouth of the shark." Similarly, people had to leave in this forced migration, of Trail of Tears. Their struggle is seen in the name itself. Leaving your own home is not an easy task, rather the toughest thing to do!  When people are forced to migrate, they don't have an option, they are pushed out to become a migrant or refugee. But, the only tough thing is not to be get pushed out of your native country, but after and during migration too. There were many struggles, people in this migration from East Mississippi to present day Oklahoma , had to overcome, having no hand, but to face those obstacles. Some of the major obstacles which citizens had to overcome were as follows:  o    During their forced migration on the Trail of Tears, the Cherokee lost 4,000 and  the Choctaw lost 2,500 Tribe members due to exposure to harsh weather conditions, starvation and disease.   o    The weather consisted